Koru: New Beginnings

First, I will tell you about Koru. It is a Maori name given to a newborn, unfurling fern frond and symbolizes new life, growth, and much more. I brought my first bone carving of the koru in New Zealand back in 2005. To me it symbolizes my new beginning after leaving the military and now starting a family and new life in Alaska. I believe I am a well traveled at age 29 with having been to 5 of the 7 continents (getting the hardest one out of the way: Antarctica) and exploring 33 of the 50 states. I have been to 41 of 50 states but airports and drive-through do not count for me. At this point this is all my little prince will let me type. More to come...Well, I have some time away from my little demanding prince (lol). My favorite thing to do was traveling but got put on the back burner when I became a mother, which is fine with me. I had a goal of traveling to all 7 continents by thirty but have now pushed it back to 35. All 50 states will take a while, since there are states I have no urge to go to. I am learning that being a working mother who breast feeds is the hardest and most rewarding job I have every had. About two months ago, my husband and I decided to turn our whole world upside down by moving to Juneau, AK with our six week old son and leaving our military life behind us. I work for the National Weather Service as a Hydro-Meteorologist Technician (HMT), which basically means I forecast the weather for all of SE Alaska for the current eight hour period. I think this gives a good introduction to my life. My blogs to follow will start from now till whenever I decide to quit doing this.
