Tales of Alexander

Four months old and beyond...Alexander has had an eventful month so far. It started with his well baby check up. His acid reflux had been acting up pretty bad through most July, so we asked the doctor to try him on previcit. He weighed 13 lbs which put him in the 12th percentile. He was 25 1/2 inches long which put him in the 75th percentile.
So, Alexander  was underweight but tall. Everything else for him check out fine. David and I were a bit worried about our skinny baby. The first day on the new medicine was like we had a whole new baby. But that did not last. On Friday night, besides all his tummy problems, Alexander started wheezing a little. He was still having some trouble the next day, so after a call into the doctor, we took him to the ER. After four hours, they could not figure it out and said he might have asthma. Come to find out wheezing can be a side effect of acid reflux. Then the little man’s gas problems got to the point he was waking up like every hour or two. The doctor gave us some stuff we could try but it just did not help and set him up another appointment. The infant gas drops did not work that well either. After a very long sleepless week, we took Alexander back to the doctor. He then had gained 6 oz in two weeks which is good but still is considered underweight. The doctor upped his dosed on the medicine and change us to a blend and soy diet. I cannot have any kind of spices just salt and pepper, no diary products, minimum amounts of caffeine (preferably none), no gassy foods, and so on. All these changes have helped him gain weight and spit up less, making his parents life a bit easier.
Just a few days after his appointment, Alexander rolled over for the first time. He was just having a blast. We were able to catch it on video for the family (will get mailed out some day).
With each passing day his grip gets stronger allowing him better motor skills like picking things up. We are trying to teach him sign language but I think it will be a while for that to take. The big one we were trying to teach him was cat, but that has failed since the cats now have to be put on a separate room all the time due to some carpet issues. Now we are trying to teach him the one for eating.

Alexander is making new sounds all the time. David and I call it Baby Geez. He grunts, makes high pitch noises and has the cutest laugh. Alexander finds the dog very funny and actually has started laughing at the dog when we are playing with the dog. It is so great to see him laugh on his own and actually makes David and I laugh.

Alexander is determined to sit up. He tries very hard but still needs us to help him. He can balance on his daddy's legs if all thing are in perfect place for a little bit.

Alexander has started doing baby push up and is on his way to crawling. He has actually been able to scoot himself forward by pushing off with his legs. So we figure he will be crawling within the next month or so.

That about cover the main things Alexander does and has been going on. Sorry, it is short but trying to get things caught up. The big thing next we need to work on is getting him to sleep through the night.

At six months...Weight: 15.6 lbs (is a great improvement of the last month putting him above the 25%) Height: 26.5 inches; Head: 17.3 inches; Health: Good.

PS: the majority of this post was written in the middle of the night so please excuse my grammar and all that stuff.
