Walking Xander

Xander will be a year old on March 26, 2008. Time does surely seem to fly. He took his first steps on January 14, 2008 and has been progressing in his walking more and more. Just the other day he started walking more than he was crawling. So we broke out the video camera to share it with everyone. I have also been trying to keep up on putting some photos of him in my google photo gallery so check that out too. http://picasaweb.google.com/n.henretty

Hope all is well with everyone.


Anonymous said…
What a cutie pie... I hope it's not too long before we can see you all! Hope you continue to do well.
Anonymous said…
Here is to the handsome Little Prince and his beautiful mom, I don't think Xander could be luckier than to have you for his mom,
My Alexander is one cute walkin' baby! Granny & Grandpa Nash are so proud of you! We love you all and can't wait to see you very, very soon!