Carpe Diem

The year started our very snowy with a little over 50 inches of snow in 11 days. Then we warmed up and turned to a slushy ice rink as rain continued to melt our winter wonderland away. Now towards the end of January most of the snow in town is gone except for the huge piles let by the plows. We hit a heat wave as temperatures climbed all the way to 60 degrees on last 18th. Xander did get to enjoy the snow for a bit and then splash in the rain puddles afterwards. David and I were happy to get a break from shovelling. I think the big gift next year for us is an snow blower (there went a grand or so).
As our nation sets out on a new era, so does the Becker Family. We are hopping for an end to diapers, more talking for little man, making new family traditions, and travels to see family, friends and new places. No resolutions were made for us, as that just seem to be a failure when we try that. We just work towards are new goals and try to make it happen.
Xander got to enjoy what seemed the never ending Christmas with opening gifts all the way through early January from his grandparents. David and I think he is running out of storage room in the living room Every time we try to move them less used toys downstairs, he just brings them back up. We are slowly working on potty training. He at least sits on the potty but no luck beyond that. He says new words all the time, but we still have trouble understanding him at times. We watch Finding Nemo at least 5 to 6 times a week. Luckily it is a good movie that David and I can both quote. He is getting more and more teeth which leads to him finally trying new foods. Xander loves to color, but likes to color everything, the paper, the window, the floor, himself, me and probably the pets too. So, I just print a couple of coloring sheets off the Internet for free and let him use his washable crayons till he stops coloring on the paper and starts coloring on the house, which usually ends in him getting upset. When he gets up set it can last up to 20 minutes of screaming, crying, trying to hit something and throwing stuff. Not fun. David and I try to be patience and enforce things when he does something that is not okay.
Work for David and I is going okay. Weather wise we have had record breaking events throughout SE AK, which means lots of talking to the media and getting miss quoted. I think the Juneau Empire is the worst. I keep telling my boss, that I do not want to do interviews with them anymore. We finally joined most of our peers and created my space and face book accounts (what were we thinking), which is very additive. Smiles. No worries, I plan on keeping this blog and my picture site just the way they are. It is time for me to do one more thing then start my homework. Happy New Year.
