
Spring is a time for life to rejuvenate in nature and within ourselves after the cold and the long nights!  Xander turned 4 and my belly continued to grow as our second son developed! The temperatures stayed cooler and so it seemed like the flowers would never start to bloom.  By mid April, the snow was gone at sea level and the crocuses bloomed nicely while the squirrels eat spruce cones on my deck.

Xander has had a rough time of being in Pre-K at school due to some mean boys picking on him.  He does stand up for himself, but his temper seems to get the best of him during these trying times.  We were happy to know Xander would not have to be in Pre-K for almost two months and that when he gets back from GA, more of his friends from the previous class will be in Pre-K.  Despite his temper issues, he is developing well.  He can write his name and normally only wants to write his long name!  So, most cards he will get to sign from now on.  His birthday went well with having two friends over to celebrate with him!  Sadly, I did not get to make his cake, but I will have to try again next year.  As always, Xander made out like a bandit on his birthday with lots of new toys and clothes.  So, thank you everyone for all the stuff you sent to him.  Xander finished with swimming in March and will hopefully resume this fall.  Xander did get to enjoy his first egg hunt with his best friend!

March and April seemed to go by at a normal pace.  In March, we got to enjoy some visits with friends from Anchorage and Homer.  It was nice to see people again.  In April, I opted to take a trip to Seattle for a break form my Juneau routine to surround myself with concrete.  While there I tried couch surfing, which proved to be a cost saving and interesting experience.  So, I enjoyed the land of concrete with walking around, shopping, and a baseball game.  We watch a friend's kid for the weekend, which proved to be challenging but fun!  We set up a tent in Xander's room for the kids to sleep in, which was fun for them.  It was a nice weekend, so we spent a lot of time outside.  David turned 34 at the end of April and he had his usual cake and dinner of choice and a big present of a computer upgrade!

David took Xander down to the SE lower 48 this year to visit family and drop him off at my mom and dad's house.  They enjoyed visiting family, the beach, a movie, playing outside, and going Sea World.  

Now we have a month without Xander to get things ready for the new boy and relax!  For, me that will mean getting more sleep, I hope!
